New Beginnings at the Farm, The Camellia, Thunder Bay

 It's a New Year, and I wish I was as bright and blue-eyed as this Morning Glory is!!  Truth be told, some of us are burnt out from the mad Christmas rush, and the I'll-just-throw-this-over-there-and-pick-it-up-later-routine. Piles of mess, products, to-do projects and massive Organizing waiting to be done.

 What helps me is surrounding myself with bright colours, and loud Music...lots of it. What helps you get through dull, dreary days?

 I vow to organize my Linen closet so that I can actually find the sheets , when I go searching for them. Visions of Martha Stewart closets, complete with tags labelling Queen, Twin & Double sheet sets, dance around in my head. Reality at this point is I can't even close the Door!

 I vow to have vases of fresh Flowers everywhere, this is, of course, after I dust and clean all the rooms!

 Spending more time at the Beach is also a must-do for this Year...!

 I would love to spend more time in Antique about you? do you share my fascination with old stuff?

 And I desire to instill in everyone - young and old- an appreciation of Flowers..!

 I vow to stay calm even when many currents are swirling around me  - after all, who can enjoy Life when you're hooked up to machines in a Hospital?
 Take care of yourself  first - your Body, mind & soul .

 Every year I buy new organizers in the vague hope I will file and keep all my papers the end of the year, I cannot even see the floor in my Office, ditto for the top of my Desk. People peer into my Office, and run off screaming..! How can you function in there?

Ah yes, the photographs.  With digital cameras, we take 1000's of photos. I decided I had better print some of them. Then the photos need to be put into an album, and notes made, before the brain forgets when they were taken, etc. I did manage to put about 350 away into an album. 

What tasks do you hope to accomplish this Year? Leave a comment below, I would love to hear from you!!

Visit The Camellia, 30 Hacquoil Road, thunder Bay. p-807) 475-3551
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