Bird Feeding in the Winter, The Camellia, Thunder Bay.
Do you have Birds as dependents? I do. I just love their cheeping and ker-fuffling, and they are a joy to watch! I am not a good Bird mummy as I don't regularly fill the feeders. When I do, I feed them Sunflower seeds. In the summertime, they love hanging out in the vines above, and building nests in the most unlikely places.
We always grow a large patch of Sunflowers for the birds. They are so bright and cheerful and remind you of the Sun. Hence their name..SUNflowers.
We have been trying with the zoom lens to get some good photos of the Chickadees, but with no luck, usually. Today I was walking by on the way to my shop,and quickly snapped these. They move so fast, it's hard to get a good shot, but finally, I have some clear shots.
How about you? Do you feed the birds in the Winter? What sort of birds visit your feeders?
Opa Overmeer has some antique dressers that dry out in the Winter. He recommends using this all-natural Furniture Wax. It works and bonus, it smells nice!
All this cold weather on the Farm ( it's about -30), sure makes those joints ache! Opa Overmeer will try this rub on his sore shoulders. Some heat would help too, the above 2 products and our Flaxseed Neck pillows can be found at The Camellia, 30 Hacquoil Rd.
p . (807)475-3551
Stay warm!
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