How to get nothing done on a Sunday and feel ok about's all good. Lazy Sundays.
Sometimes Opa Overmeer gets tired of technology...buying a new gadget and having to spend hours watching You Tube videos on how to use the damn thing. What ever happened to a how-to manual that explained stuff? So he tells himself to stop feeling frustrated, and reminds himself that it's Sunday, it's all good and Life is good. Stop and smell the Roses! Have you ever felt like this? You end up felling so frustrated, you have so little time, and the stupid thing will not work. Or is it that we are stupid, and technology is smarter than we are?
Beautiful countryside scenes from an October trip to White Oak Lavender Farm. You can buy their Lavender product at the Camellia, at 30, Hacquoil Rd.
Hark back to a simpler time, with one-room, primitive structures.
One can imagine spinning wool in this room, on this wooden spinning wheel.
Back then, a wagon was a necessity. Imagine having no automobiles, just horsepower.
Stairs were much steeper then, these ones remind Opa Overmeer of the ones in his childhood home in Holland.
There would have been no such thing as a lazy Sunday back then, everyone would have gotten dressed in their finest clothes, and marched off to Church. Today, we have so many labour-saving devices that we can lay in bed on a Sunday, and be lazy. Thank goodness!
Visit us at The Camellia for comfy Bedding, hand-made cushions, and Farmhouse decor.
The Camellia, 30, Hacquoil Rd. Open Wednesday through Sunday.
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