The end of the road for small Farmers, and maybe all small businesses.

Farmland near The Camellia, slate River

Running your own Farm is a tough job. Opa Overmeer knows all about this, he farmed the land and grew vegetables and corn. At times, it was difficult to pick the corn fast enough to supply waiting customers. Then big supermarkets started selling corn at prices that were so low, Opa Overmeer could not compete. 
This article is very good at explaining the situation, click on the link to read. 

Farm Life near The Camellia, Thunder Bay

Most small businesses face the same challenges... too much to do, and not enough hours in the day to do it all. Add to this the challenge of big box stores and grocery stores grabbing product lines which used to belong to small, local stores. Hours spent doing bookwork and collecting sales taxes. Enter the new digital age, which means keeping up with Facebook, websites, blogs, and emails. It's no wonder most people don't want to own a small business .... who wants to work 24/7? 

We are now slowly realizing the importance of Pollinators in our Food supply chain.Before, we were too busy spraying insecticides on our plants, not thinking about the negative effects on Bees. It is important to make an extra effort to support local businesses, otherwise they may not be around tomorrow. Take a lesson from the Bees. 

Pollinator education

A booth at Canada Blooms 2018, from Guelph university, explaining the role of Pollinators in our food chain. 

mason bee house

A close-up of a Mason bee house. 

Visit us here at The Camellia, for Cottage Paint for Furniture and Cabinets, Lake and Camp decor, wedding Flowers, and much more! OPEN Wednesday through Sunday.
The Camellia, 30 Hacquoil Rd. Slate River. 
p- 807-475-3551
