June in Slate River Valley, getting things done while enjoying Summer.
Hello! We've had a warmer than normal May in Slate River, so now that the temperatures are a lot cooler, we're not too excited at having to don sweatshirts and coats, and put the heat on in our Homes. Our crabapple flowering trees are in full bloom, and we've had some rain, which is great for our Gardens. The bees are happy and are busy darting in and out of the apple blossoms. Our hummingbirds have returned. Happy!!
It's time to plant, or at least to buy plants, there are many Greenhouses and Plant Nurseries in Slate River. After a long winter, it is a treat to wander around in a Greenhouse, checking out all the new plants for the Summer season. Today we went to My Blooming Business on Hanna Road. They have many unique plants, especially Plants for cutting Gardens.
What are you planting today?
We have a little resident wild Bunny that hops around our lawn, chewing on dandelions and grass. He drives our dog crazy, all you see are his white and brown paws racing by! He thinks this is his lawn. A bit like Peter Rabbit.
Our white Apple blossoms turn into regular size apples in the Fall.
It's June, and we are so happy! Now how can we make June last for a long time, instead of speeding by...? We have to decide what chores to get rid of , or what could be put on hold, or what responsibilities can be thrown back onto the shoulders they should be on? Learn to say NO. Make lists. Stay focused. Make time for leisure. Sit outside more. Walk more. Make easier meals.
Head to our store, The Camellia, located in the scenic Slate River Valley. We have many products that help make your life easier, and great advice and help with your Crafting and DIY projects.
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