Growing sweet Peas in your summer Garden, The Camellia, Thunder Bay

small spade with a pile of potting soil

It's been a great Summer in Thunder Bay, hot and humid, and our gardens have exploded. Sweet peas can be started indoors, however, you should start them early, maybe in March. They will look spindly, but they will flourish and grow quickly once you can plant them outside. 

a bouquet of sweet peas in a vase

They smell wonderful, and there is nothing better than a small vase of Sweet Peas in your Home. They come in a variety of Reds, pinks, whites, mauves and purples. 
For tips on growing sweet Peas, click on this link: ttps://

Aqua lawn chair in grassy field

Our summer is drawing to a close, nights are cooler and it's fairly dark in the mornings now (😢). Here at The Camellia, it's time to harvest and dry our flowers and grasses, and to make dried flower bouquets. Our method is very simple, assemble Bouquets when flowers are fresh, and hang upside-down to dry. Add a hanger and some pretty ribbons. 

a hand holding dried flower bouquet

Now you can enjoy flowers from your Garden, even in the Winter. For dried flower bouquets, Visit us here at the Camellia, at 30, Hacquoil Rd. in Slate River. 
p 807-475-3551
